Not yet...

To the impassioned land bound upon the most
Their ears filled with the beautiful cadence
To the lusty lads steeped in the grimed track
Their hearts bursting with the mighty roar
To the moments that press and seethe wantonly
For their release, their blessed release
Not yet! The time comes, but not yet.

For the power, the mystery falls upon itself strong
The sticks that form the iron hard bundle
And the threads that are flailing come together again
Into rope and cloth and holy sacrament
The energy contained is the energy multiplied
And the force that cracks the world open again.

And into the breach you step in your wander
To live, truly live, in your grandess.
Stripped bare of pretension, of hollow artifice
You are red and you breathe and you do.
So not yet, lest the power once more fade away
And you be left with the slow glowing coals
Of a blaze that might have been, had you been
All the greater, as you waited within.


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