When tomorrow

When tomorrows pile up
Behind you like burning
Pyres of blessed twilight
And yesterdays stretch out
Before ye.
When the road to your soul
Lies paved with the gold
Of the promises and the rippling yawn.
When the sea sets a'rosed 'neath
A still flat oiled sky,
The righteous, the sensuous, the free.
Then the time ripens,
The laden tree bough
Stoops, to be plucked,
To be sucked,
To be set free.

There's a wandering ripeness
Dammed behind fear and despair 
And mornings that lay stillborn
In their
Waste and wish and tear.

Whisper softly, for it comes now,
It won't be long before it hears you
When it does there will living
Like no other.

In the dawn of yesterdays lived,
Forgiven and deep riven with
The pledge of wonder born anew.
You'll swing your stride into life
And you'll never know what to make
Of the world that sinks
Into the waters.

So go, live, be fruitful,
Lusty vibrant truthful.
For it comes
And the water
Rise around ye.


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